Document Type : Original Article


1 Audiology resident, ENT Department, Ahmed Maher teaching hospital.

2 Audiology Unit, Department of Otolaryngeology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Egypt.


Background: Mobile phones are being widely used throughout the world. Electromagnetic waves generated from mobile phones have raised concerns as they may have adverse effects on auditory system and scholastic achievement in children owing to the daily use of mobile phones.
Aim of the work: To examine the central auditory processing abilities in school-aged children who use mobile phones and play video games.
Patients and Method: Study population: 50 normal hearing children with age ranging between 6 and 12 years. Inclusion criteria: Normal hearing sensitivity and normal middle ear function, IQ within normal limits, users of mobile phones and playing video games.
Study Procedure: Full history taking from parents and History of scholastic achievement, Psychometric evaluation: using Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale fifth edition (SB5), Basic audiological evaluation, Parents - administered sheet for history of mobile phone use, Parents - administered Questionnaire for screening of CAPD. Central Auditory Processing Evaluation by central auditory test battery which includes the following tests: Speech Intelligibility In Noise (SPIN), Arabic Dichotic digit test (DD) (version I& II), Auditory fusion test- revised (AFT-R), Memory tests, Auditory Vigilance test
Results: Most of children were playing video games on the mobile phones, racing games were the most favorite played games. Most of children had abnormal Speech in Noise test, Dichotic Digits test I, II, Memory tests (memory for sequence), Auditory Vigilance test. Duration of mobile phone use per day is significantly negatively correlated with results of central auditory processing correct tests scores.
Conclusion: Mobile phones and video games have a negative impact on central auditory processing abilities which have an impact effect on attention, memory and academic performance.


Main Subjects