Document Type : Original Article


1 Audiology, ENT Department, Toukh central hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University; Cairo, Egypt.

2 Audiology Unit, Department of Otolaryngeology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

3 Phoniatric Unit, Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University; Cairo, Egypt.


Background: Developmental dyslexia (DD) is a specific learning disability manifested by difficulties in learning to read and write despite of having adequate cognitive ability, motivation, access to instruction and intact peripheral sensory mechanisms. Dyslexia affects about 5%-10% of the child population.
Aim of the work: Evaluate the effect of computer-based remediation program on dichotic listening ability in dyslexic children.
Patients and Method: Study population included 30 dyslexic children who received central auditory training on dichotic listening ability 2sessions/week for 8 weeks, each session lasted for 30 minutes for two months. Each child underwent: Full history taking, Modified Arabic Dyslexic Screening Test (MADST) and Basic audiological evaluation. Central auditory processing questionnaire for children and Arabic Dichotic Digit test (DDT) were done pre- and post-remediation program.
Results: Using the DDT, 90% of study population had dichotic listening deficit. Central auditory questionnaire showed all abilities were affected and mostly affected abilities were attention, scholastic achievement and behavior. Central auditory questionnaire pre-& post- remediation results revealed subjective improvement following Dichotic listening remediation on dyslexic children. DDT pre& post remediation results relieved significant improvement following dichotic listening remediation program.
Conclusion: Remediation of dichotic listening ability had effect on dyslexic children and this was obvious on Dichotic digit test pre & post-remediation program. Subjective improvement measured by pre& post remediation results of central auditory questionnaire of children was mostly in attention, memory and scholastic achievement.


Main Subjects