Document Type : Original Article


1 Phoniatrics Unit, Shibin El-Kom teaching hospital, Menofia, Egypt.

2 Phoniatrics Unit, Otorhinolaryngology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.


Background: Despite the presence of Arabic studies that assess attitudes toward stuttering. These studies used translated versions of the Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes-Stuttering (POSHA–S) which has limitations in its Arabic translation. The Arabic versions of POSHA–S cannot guarantee exact translations that represent the desired language complexity level. Besides, the inability to generalize to populations without probability sampling. Probability sampling appears to be a superior research strategy to convenience sampling which is not easy to achieve in presence of the world epidemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Aim of the work: This study intended to construct an electronic web-based valid questionnaire in the Arabic language aims to assess the parents/caregivers’ awareness of stuttering among the Arabic-speaking population. This questionnaire will be able to be disturbed faster and to a large number of the target population in presence of the world epidemic of Coronavirus (COVID-19). patients and methods: This study passed into the following three steps: I) Constructing the questionnaire’s design, II) application of the questionnaire on a pilot sample, and III) validation of the questionnaire by using expert face validity by presenting a copy of the questionnaire to three phoniatricains with over 20 years of experience in the field of phoniatrics at the Phoniatrics Unit, Faculty of Medicine of Ain shams University. They were asked to answer a questionnaire of seven questions about the ability of the questionnaire to deliver information about the parents/caregivers’ awareness of childhood dysfluency. Results: 67% of the experts have a total agreement that this questionnaire is excellent in exploring the parents/caregivers’ awareness of dysfluency. None of the three experts wrote down any weakness in this questionnaire. Conclusions: The Parents/caregivers' awareness survey of childhood dysfluency is a valid questionnaire that explores the parents/caregivers’ awareness of childhood dysfluency.


Main Subjects