High-definition camera systems versus Conventional White Light Imaging assisted resection for treatment of Non-muscle invasive bladder cancer

Document Type : Original Article


1 Urology department, Sednawy Hospital, Health Insurance Organization, Egypt.

2 Urology and Nephrology Center, Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.


Background: The goal of TURBT in Ta and T1 NMIBC is to make the correct diagnosis and completely remove all visible lesions. Herein, we assssess the high-definition camera systems in the resection of bladder tumors.
Patients and methods: This is a randomized controlled trial for 160 patients with bladder tumor, conducted in a single referral specialized urology hospital, between May 2019 to august 2021. For patients allocated to treatment Arm A (WLI ) Storz telecam SL NTSC color videoscopy system was the used machine. For patients allocated to treatment Arm B (High-definition camera systems), Karl Storz Image 1 HD HUB Camera System was used. Results: Tumor size was 2.2 ± 0.8 in WLI arm while it was 2.3 ± 1.1 in HD camera arm with insignificant P value = 0.5. Second look TURBT after 4 – 6 weeks after primary resection to search for residual or recurrent lesions which could be detected. Second look TURBT using WLI detect about 16/75 ( 21.3 % ) cases of residual lesions in WLI arm , while it detect 13/85 ( 15.2 % ) lesions in HD camera system arm. After 3 months showed recurrence in 20 patient in WLI arm and 16 patients in HD camera arm with insignificant difference . ( p- value 0.6). Conclusion: There is no difference in between gold standard WLI and HD camera mode regarding residual tumor, or tumor recurrence at 3 months.


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