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Number of Volumes  6
Number of Issues  24
Number of Articles  534
Article View  93,920
PDF Download  138,809
View Per Article  175.88
PDF Download Per Article  259.94

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Ain Shams Medical Journal is a regional peer-reviewed journal that publishes original articles, case reports, and systemic review articles dealing with different academic and clinical medical conditions.

Preferences are to original research papers dealing with medical basic sciences, pathogenesis, and management of diseases. 

We accept submitted articles from countries all over the world.

We target basic researchers and clinicians both in the academic field and in the different specialties; intending to raise the standard of healthcare given to the patients and improve the quality of research.

Current Issue: Volume 75, Issue 4, December 2024 

A Review on the Relationship between Parkinson Disease and Toxoplasmosis

Pages 774-786

Sarah Hasan Kadhum AL-Huchaimi; Maysoon khudair AL Hadrawi; ketam kadium; Enam Radhi Ahmed; Salma Amer AL-Asadi

Different Surgical Options for the Management of Symptomatic Intracranial Arachnoid Cysts: A Systematic Review

Pages 787-798

Abdelrahman Hesham Elgayar; ahmed mohamed hammad; emad mamoun hamza; mohamed awad ismail

Serum Neurofilament Light Chain as a Biomarker of Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis

Pages 839-847

DINA Mohsen salah; manal Zaghloul mahran; marwa Rushdy El najar; noran mohamed salaheldin; ghada Maged mohsen

Retrospective Analysis of Outcomes and Toxicity of Adjuvant Imatininb in Patients with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor in Clinical Oncology Department at Ain Shams University

Pages 848-857

Khaled Nagib Abdelhakim; Riham Essam Abdel salam; Tarek Hussein Kamel; Walid Abdel-monem Bayoumy; khaled kamal el-din el-ghoniemy; Sherif Hassanin Ahmed

Shear Wave Elastography in the Evaluation of Renal Parenchymal Stiffness in Patients with Early Diabetic Kidney Disease

Pages 874-887

Sara Salah Rashied; Remon Zaher Elia; Heba T-allah Mohamed Elnaggar; Essam Mohamed Abdulhafiz

Correlation between Melancholic Depression and Markers of Coagulopathy in Hemodialysis Patients

Pages 924-936

khaled gamal El ghamry; mamdouh mahmoud mahdi; mohammed atef Elawam; Rania Mohammed Elshahat

Clinical and Radiological Benefits of Intra-Articular Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis

Pages 937-945

Fatma Mohammed Aboud; Mona Ali Mohamed; Mohamed Mostafa Metwaly; Omnia Bahaa Attia; Al Shymaa Mohammed Farouk

Evaluation of Plasma M2-Pyruvate Kinase as A Novel Biomarker in The Differentiation Between Functional and Organic Colonic Disorders

Pages 946-966

Ahmed Elmetwally Ahmed; Tarek Mohammed Youssef; Wael Ahmed Yousry; Islam Adel Awaad; Mohamed Magdy Salama

Multidrug Resistance Profiles of Acinetobacter Baumannii Isolated from Various Clinical Specimens in Duhok City, IRAQ

Pages 967-973

Wasan Madhat Yousif Alnakshabandie; Bland Husamuldeen Abdullah; Djwar Ali Khasho; Lana Omed Mohammed

The Effect of Ventilatory Supports on Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in Preterm Respiratory Distress

Pages 988-998

Hebatallah Ali Shaaban; Heba Hassan Aly; Mohammed Ahmed Ramadan; Tayseer Mostafa Gad